Please help the BHVRS support the A3564 EMS Bill by submitting the easy online form below.This legislation will have positive impact on NJ’s emergency medical service system while having little if any cost for volunteer squads, local municipalities or the State of New Jersey. Specifically this legislation would:
– Require that an emergency medical technician be with a patient whenever a patient is being transported;
– Require that all ambulances be inspected and provides for this to be done with little difficulty to administer and will incur no new costs to taxpayers;
– Change the definition of a “volunteer squad” to reflect the fiscal realities that face both volunteer squads and municipal based squads today. The new definition will mean that those volunteer squads that find they must now bill to be able to continue to provide their services will again be considered volunteer squads. These squads and their volunteer members will again be entitled to the rights and protections afforded to squads that meet the new definition of a volunteer squad.
Sending this email will take you less then a minute. Please help us get this bill through by clicking on the link below!